This self-quiz is a means of discovering the behaviors of you and those
you interact with daily. Let this study reveal the basics of who you are and how to improve
on what you can become. Find out your chief characteristics by checking the descriptive words that
best describe how you feel and act.
- Study each set of four descriptive words in the first row. Think about what attributes
and excesses apply to you.
- Select only one word that best describes you. Click on that box.
- Continue this procedure on each of the remaining rows of words.
- After completing the balanced and excess aspect of your self-analysis, click on the
confirm button to reveal your DIVINE spiritual tendencies. (Click only once, the page might take
a moment to load)
Please note* If you have not completed a row, you will receive an error message.
Simply click the "back" button on your browser, complete the empty row and click the "Confirm" button again.
The Order with the most checks is your primary Order. You will see that you are
primarily one or two Orders and for some, a blend of several.
You will only be able to select one trait in each row. . |