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The lighthouse of Prayer

The DIVINE Prayer Network

The lighthouse of the soul is found within the prayers that are cast upon the water, reflecting love, direction and guidance to all passing by.

Come into the prayer network and make yourself comfortable. You are among close friends and caring family members who unselfishly send you love, or graciously receive your warm prayers and wishes that are projected towards them.


Divine Plan

Prayer Network




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Prayer is a directed message of light. Light helps those it is focused on and heals or improves the outcome of their circumstances.

Prayer, is the most powerful force in the universe and can create miracles. Whether you are sending prayers to help those on Earth, or looking forward to the reception of the DIVINE'S wondrous blessings, prayer is alive.

You may be someone who requires the energy and physical healing qualities of praying for whatever current spiritual challenge or conditions you may be experiencing. Being guided here also links you with kindred spirits who can utilize your prayer for themselves to heal, comfort or to catalyze a new direction.

This visit to your prayer family can also be used to tell us about someone you know who could use DIVINE intervention through focused messages of light traveling on words.

A prayer, directed at someone who just had a heart attack, can be seen by some leaving your body and connecting with the soul of the injured. Just one prayer alone can be enough to change the direction of the soul's path--to stay within the body and recover -- or leave for the heavens.

A prayer can send DIVINE messengers and spirit-healing helpers to aide you in a hospital bed or just daily life. No minute on this earth passes without millions of prayers being sent or received. Multiple prayers can be knitted together to perform large tasks or miracles often witnessed.

The prayers you send to others always feed you with bountiful rewards in days to follow. Even if you think you are near the moment of imminent death of the physical body, pray for others. Praying is a healing ointment for your soul and life's path as well.

Prayer helps everyone and improves every circumstance.

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