You have special traits within the Deed Order
The Divine Spectrum consists of a rainbow of colors, each having distinct qualities and characteristics. Each of these colors or rays corresponds to unique personality traits that we all exhibit. The dynamics of the rays are found visually within the symbols you see below.

The Deed Order is composed of two colorful rays of light: the white Messenger Ray and the purple Journey Ray. Traits in this order help facilitate change through action. The White ray consists of leadership and reality awareness. The purple ray promotes pursuit and loyalty. Your goal is to keep your traits in balance and out of excess (out of balance).

Which personality traits of the Deed Order do you recognize in yourself? You may have traits of the white Messenger Ray, the purple Journey Ray, or both.
Messenger Ray
Messenger Ray

Leadership and Reality Awareness:

The white square, like a concrete block, builds strength through the dynamics of Leadership and Reality Awareness. It is the Messenger Ray that transfers the white, all-encompassing full-spectrum light of Divinity to the other six rays.

The white Messenger Ray's function is to deliver intact ideas and words to their destination, while others may alter the content. This ray's purpose is to influence people by sending them in the direction that best suits their path. The white ray moves people and concepts with guidance, working as easily with a community or organization as they do with an individual.

Journey RayJourney Ray

Pursuit and Loyalty:

The purple half-circle, like a vibrant lake, shows adaptation much like the qualities of water conforming to any environment. These qualities are displayed through the dynamics of adventurous pursuit and unquestioning loyalty.

The purple Journey Ray works, like fluid dynamics, by harmoniously responding to external forces. How someone adjusts to an event or comment is as important to life's progress as survival itself.

You venture outside predictable situations and comfortable habitats, seeking the unknown, returning with new discoveries for your loyal causes.


Leadership in balance: You help build a foundation that will formulate and protect progress.
Reality Awareness in balance: You help people accurately view what is before them, as it truly is.


Pursuit in balance: You confidently voice your intentions of pursuit and encourage others to follow. You can aid many with your skills in overcoming opposition through sound evidence.
Loyalty in balance: You deliver loyalty by personal conviction and commitment to that in which you believe. You have a dedicated focus and a unifying link to duty.


Leadership in excess: You could wield your strength to depress the spirits of others, managing their affairs too forcefully.
Reality Awareness in excess: You can lead others astray by imposing your direction that disregards their best interest.

Assist people by pointing the way over the ridge for all who are interested.

Pursuit in excess: You use your moving negotiating tactics to get what you want, and not what they need.
Loyalty in excess: Devotion does not always promote a retention of your own identity. To surrender yourself to another is extreme.

Deliver by focusing on your dynamic push and your loyalty to a cause. Uncharted territory is no obstacle when you have traits within the purple ray of exploration.

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