You have special traits within the Thought Order
The Divine Spectrum consists of a rainbow of colors, each having distinct qualities and characteristics. Each of these colors or rays corresponds to unique personality traits that we all exhibit. The dynamics of the rays are found visually within the symbols you see below.

The Thought Order is composed of two colorful rays of light: the yellow Shining Ray and the red Forming Ray. Traits in this order help facilitate change through creation. The yellow ray consists of new ideas and expression. The red ray creates or destroys. Your goal is to keep your traits in balance and out of excess (out of balance).

Which personality traits of the Thought Order do you recognize in yourself? You may have traits of the yellow Shining Ray, the red Forming Ray, or both.

Shining Ray
Shining Ray

Ideas & Vocalize

The yellow half circle, like a rising sun, shows the intensifying dynamics of new thought and radiating expression.

With the yellow Shining Ray, you awaken the birth of new ideas in everyone you meet. Bring people out of the dark and into the light with your verbal messages.

The Shining Ray radiates a glowing warmth of freshness "in that which did not exist", but was brought forth through your vibrant thoughts.

Forming Ray
Forming Ray

Create & Destroy

The red circle encompassing the smaller white circle inside, as the seed of life within the womb of creation, shows life's dynamics by formation and change.

The red Forming Ray's traits help you structure life. As a creative individual, you step from the yellow ray's initial conception of new ideas into an area that molds thoughts into a beginning shape. This trait forms and creates, pushing away or destroying that which is old. Life is either being created to change or destroyed for the new. You bring forth life through creation in any form. Although you have an aptitude for building or sculpting, there are many other ways to fabricate. You spice up life, giving it more color, by painting a different side to a project. You are never boring or plain. Change is life for you. What is can always be better or unique.


Ideas in balance: Quick thinking promotes catalytic changes.
Vocalize in balance: You allow yourself to enlighten others with initial concepts, linking people with your words.

Create in balance: Because structure and material creation are a major part of your life, your vision of a finished piece should be used to help others see the picture appear from their simple thought.
Destroy In balance: You are the architect that redesigns by tearing down old walls to promote progress.


Ideas in excess: Constant rambling without direction leads to confusion and "big ideas" with no follow-through.
Vocalize in excess: You use the gift of expression to "hear yourself talk". Finding that you are speaking primarily for your own sake, you should pull back and listen.

Visualize how you can best serve others and the Divine, through your golden tongue, quick wit, spontaneous thoughts and expressed wisdom.


Create in excess: Do not allow yourself to get caught up in over-indulgence or possessing more than is appreciated or needed.
Destroy in excess: You can habitually negate or destroy the life spark in others.

Give your creative sparks to those who need your imagination. Apply your talent to any task and take it to the next level. The world is waiting.

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