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The Best of Who You Are

How To Improve Yourself

You have just completed the Spiritual Personality Analysis. This analysis gives you a brief understanding of who you are -- what personality make-up you decided to be this lifetime.

What words you picked are either characteristics associated with the personality traits you have chosen this lifetime or the dynamic qualities reflective of your life's path. You can not tell exactly which specific seven traits of the forty nine patterning traits you exist as, or which two of the fourteen paths you follow this lifetime without an Individualized Spiritual Personality Profile however, a great deal can be realized about yourself through these quiz results alone.


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If you need to refresh yourself on which of the four Orders you scored the highest, click the back button and write down the final tallied numbers you have in all four Orders of Thought, Word, Deed and Gratitude.

Look at the Orders in which you have the most traits. You may have one Order with a much higher number than the other three, several with high numbers, or fairly evenly distributed marks.
  • In the Orders with the high tallies, read over the balanced aspect of each color. As an example, if you have many qualities of the Thought Order, when you click on Thought you will see two color rays -- yellow and red.

  • Read the description of both the yellow and the red ray's properties. You may only feel that you relate to the yellow ray's properties, or you may find that you associate with both rays.

  • Whichever is more is who you are -- practice becoming more consistently in balance with these characteristics. Read over the balanced aspect of that ray. Seek to produce more light, the exalted quality of that ray, by staying in balance longer each day.

  • To better yourself, become more aware of who you are first. How do you react to a situation? Ask yourself "what are my gifts within these traits I have defined as myself?"

    Allow yourself to shine in balance and your true Divine gifts will materialize.

  • When you find yourself heading out of balance or in excess within that ray, alter your thoughts or modify your actions to continue on a purer course. Become more aware of who you are when your traits are used too extremely -- where there is less focus on perfecting self.

Because our goal in life is to become the whole -- to perfect the soul -- you must now look at " that which you are not," to be more like GOD/DIVINE. How do you become that which you aren't? You learn from the opposing traits and Orders that are most foreign to you.

Look back at the tallies from your Spiritual Personality Analysis. Find the Orders where you had the fewest or no qualities. Click on the Orders you lack. Most likely, when you read the balanced aspect of these Orders you will discover parts of the Orders that either cripple you because you do not have these factors, or you can find characteristics that will round-out your Total Personality. Many times you must seek the guidance from these Orders to bring more scrutiny, joy, leadership or inner peace to your body, mind and spirit's full spectrum.
  • Study the balanced aspects of your fewest rays. Call for their powers. Bring forth their wisdom and opportunities though different than your own. Become more aware of the people around you that exhibit the properties you lack. You can either make those people a part of your life to complement your character, or use them as teachers and mentors of opposing forces. It is only when traits are out of balance that true spiritual discord occurs.

  • Let us learn the difference between someone who is opposite us in personality pattern or life's path and one who is functioning unstably.

There are four pathways to Divine Self-Achievement
  1. Creating that which you are capable of achieving-- enrich the balanced aspect of the traits you have.
  2. Keeping your traits out of excess -- all traits when utilized to their extreme diminishes the light of the Divine. Even tranquilizing characteristics, in excess, can lead to depression or lifelessness.
  3. Learning from the traits or forces you lack -- become the whole by embracing your opposing traits.
  4. Establishing an equilibrium within the character traits you chose using the three previously mentioned pathways. The more ways you work on perfecting your traits, the wider and safer the pathway to the Divine.
Become who you are not -- improve or make radiant that who you already are.

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